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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Erin Cech’s research team has won $215K NSF grant to study gender issues among Native Americans in Science and Technology!

Graduate student Erin Cech is part of a research team which has just won a major NSF grant. The grant is called “Supportive Communities: How Gender Impacts the Native American Experience in STEM Fields,” co-funded by NSF’s Gender in Science and Engineering and EPSCoR Directorates ($215,000).(PI: Anneke Metz, Chemistry, Montana State University).

This multi-methods study will investigate how Native American men and women differentially negotiate cultural expectations as well as social support structures to persist in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Math) disciplines. We will follow 240 Native American men and women in STEM majors at 2 institutions, Montana State University and Northern Arizona University, and perform in-depth interviews with 60 of these students. We will examine the differential impact across gender of social support structures, informal academic support structures, and formal academic support program and of the persistence of these students in STEM.

Erin Cech’s role as Senior Personnel will be to help direct the collection and transcribing of the qualitative data by grad students at MSU and taking the lead on the qualitative analysis once the data are all collected. Bravo Erin!

Grad students receive American Society for Engineering Education award

Congratulations to Erin Cech  and Tom Waidzunas on their award from the American Society for Engineering Education. They received one of six best paper awards for their paper, “Engineers Who Happen to be Gay”: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students’ Experiences in Engineering.”

Prof. Scull’s latest book published – Hysteria: The Biography

Prof. Andy Scull has a new book published entitled, Hysteria: The Biography. Professor Scull tells the story of hysteria–an illness that disappeared not through medical endeavor, but through growing understanding and cultural change. The nineteenth century seems to have been full of hysterical women–or so they were diagnosed. Where are they now? The very disease no longer exists. The book discusses the origins of the idea of hysteria, the development of a neurological approach by John Sydenham and others, hysteria as a fashionable condition, its growth from the 17th century,and the “disease” decline.

Lila Sharif awarded California Cultures in Comparative Perspective Graduate Summer Fellowship

Lila Sharif has been awarded the California Cultures in Comparative Perspective Graduate Summer Fellowship. She will be conducting ethnographic work in the Palestinian territories this summer.
Congratulations Lila!

Prof. Haydu’s book winner of 2008 Labor History Journal Prize

Winner of the 2008 prestigious Labor History Journal Prize for best book is Prof. Jeff Haydu’s, Citizen Employers: Business Communities and Labor in Cincinnati and San Francisco, 1870– 1916. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008. (ISBN: 978-0-8014-4641-2)

Well Done!

Kevin Moseby awarded one of four UC President’s Dissertation Year Fellowships

Kevin Moseby was awarded one of four UC President’s Dissertation Year Fellowships for next year to complete his dissertation, “Meanings of Race within the Contemporary HIV/AIDS Disease Regime: Black Community Based Organizations, the CDC, and the HIV Prevention Field of Atlanta, GA” This dissertation provides a sociological analysis of the politics of race within the contemporary field of HIV prevention in the United States. Congratulations Kevin!

Prof. Bud Mehan elected a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association

Prof. Bud Mehan was elected to be a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association in 2009. AERA is the national research society for education research that is dedicated to advancing knowledge about education, and to promoting the use of research to improve educational processes and serve the public good. AIR is a non-partisan not-for-profit organization engaged in domestic and international research, development, evaluation, analysis, product development, training and technical assistance and assessment. Congratulations Bud!